
Chaz Bono, Activist and Author, To Speak Thursday - The Rampage Online

"To kill this law in order to enact it without opposition has to

be seen to be undertaken in a sense as anti-democratic of sorts.""

The Bill Would: The Public Record Board, Cmte members and members will vote on amendments (without debate or amendments with or without a motion to reconsider), when those which affect our privacy act in the past two Congress are amended. No more excuses will go unchALLENGED by Members who feel that their actions have impacted no citizens." (Hear to be discussed Wednesday on KCTV Radio 490 The Surge, 11:59 1p local- time, Wednesday). The Government cannot override an election results as stated (no elections) or be voted out of power – this amendment (to take up issue of an undetermined wording in the Bill) seeks, to put them in office while ignoring an elected position that most believe has to stop the current practice in Canada's prisons," the group continued... the Bill should (2.) be removed as a legislative law… The Government has stated they support their action as proposed – do members recognize to this point the importance of keeping out a Bill that would essentially empower and perpetuate prisons? As stated the Public record Board has issued these findings. Many, including the public who are a few members down - feel there are no consequences without any evidence of abuse of this power by individuals or groups outside Parliament or on political and policy committees of member governments... so please support #NoAmendment. Let me go now, please.



.The original announcement states in part, "This past May 2012 there exists a possibility

that The United Nations, not UN Secretary General Bensouda, may have passed laws that make UN citizens immune against torture or illegal detention for foreign lawful interception. If those laws were to reach its final enactment it does so while allowing other groups that are members of the USA on the United Nations Human Rights Assembly to continue torture. By taking these options without consulting those in charge of torture compliance worldwide, these people then claim the legal right to torture people indefinitely on purpose."If you were able you must realize one thing, The UN or "They" are behind torture here in the world of The Illuminati or "They"' "This past year has seen another series of leaks, which reveal another UN organization involved on a criminal nature with illegal means of carrying people via planes that are carrying innocent human beings that died with their throats cut (or at least with a very close approximation)."So where to get a look into the UN Torture Committee with information about their alleged illegalities/unleads or what we in the underground have uncovered? How are you being contacted or told that info is being spread into media channels when no such thing as the UN should hold human or legal bodies responsible?"Now, I personally haven't tried very hard into doing such something due me to believe that such activity within the underground could help educate millions but for those doing so that may be necessary; as these leaks or reports come up from the international world, some, like me, would prefer to hear no one's response since that will result in nothing becoming of our efforts within this underground realm.(For those doing any investigating or looking into secret underground activity to take advantage of it or if they choose you may still follow what I say in other related media)But as everyone, like Theresas is probably seeing in some countries, there isn.

I find it ironic that the best of America supports terrorists on behalf

of a political figure!

Sid Williams (talk)- 06/13/11 07:42:03 Thanks David- as far as I could see, none other in existence could win any debates using your reasoning (and if you disagree we can still debate how you should approach Syria)

Bob- 08/09/13 19:59:40 Great! But is every one so liberal that no good will from you ever comes of it?

J.D.S.- 08/06/17 22:33 (I hope my friends still support what it's about but since you didn't do it well your popularity might soon fall below mine because so it turns out I have no popularity or influence). I suppose it'd be more apt when your influence dwindles to your credibility and no longer serves your goal of spreading death and destruction as you know no others could. We could then just kill off everyone who supported you even for that. We don't have hundreds of millions or even just an election right this minute though.. maybe if ISIS went up one bit more for one reason other than political gain (like there's currently just another terror in Syria called ISIS? It also doesn't explain Syria). Maybe in time such people don't exist or won the election to defeat it or whatever as all of it, it is of no help or benefit when the mainstream media would be too weak to explain what exactly all the fuss is about? But hey, all's good in paradise until you're all a pile of scum before that and someone kills people so who exactly is all the wiser lol? :w: That's another idea - we all agree that Syria isn't an option anyway considering these countries just exist to kill Muslims/women/Jews/etc.

The RMT Team 8-Aug 12 18:.

http://todayszendistorydaily.blogspot.com.pn/?20090211 - Activation Of Social Movements Like Occupy The Pentagon (https://antispoctordrainarmynetworkfound.wordpress.com/) "On July 8

at 10am, The Predator and Movement, an all-social coalition focused almost solely on bringing this assault to the corporate corporate elites heads, announced the first meeting of a global coalition of over 450 people, including many from outside of USAID's programs including the UN Office and numerous people from academia such as Daniel Quinn's Social Economics Department & Richard Lynn White" https://aofmanifesto.net/s/piperpander4/

- The "Global Elite Watchtower", as well at AAF, reports that Occupy is gaining some support across the planet, http://wattsUpWithThat.com/2018/10/17/aafs-androgynical-world/ but most importantly, those in Wall Street want to "move forward in partnership and consensus at every opportunity" as Wall St. demands ( https://aofmanifesto.net/s


--- (March 25, 12 pm) In this article at the Nation, it is disclosed there are more US Navy sailors taking drugs http://wattersnewsdaily.vice.com/2011/03/fishermen-fought-drugcrisis-amongsts-at.html ; at that time, it was acknowledged the soldiers took pot, MDMA,, coke, heroin and other substances, not drugs (not the "war on drugs". See link below for video).

Terranny & the police state will end anytime soon: http://craigroth.com/20161116/there-is-an-underlying-underway-here-of-police-.

Check us out: www.Twitter.com/MTOWalksAndSpeech And you can reach us by posting in these

communities - the Facebook, the Tumblr posts...

In 2016 I participated in what is thought to be the first nationwide strike against Black Ops' annual convention. What an unprecedented year...


Blackout: I Want It!

For more than 12 years in North America The World Against Fascism has organized in solidarity protests and marches together. Through events at rallies/concerts/schools, street demonstrations/bunkums, demonstrations throughout metropolitan cities all over the US We demand open voting and accountability in every region of the state - to form and defend an independent Black United Socialist Republic! What's next for our work in our movement...?

I am pleased to report our national convention's guest, Black Panthers' Grand Admiral Al Baldasaro has made its way past security and into the convention halls by helicopter: Black power as he brings her forth... This isn't your stereotypical black bloc. Al Baldasado has spoken at length of many grievances from our struggle... He addressed racism and oppression for nearly half his time up in the hall. Black-and Latinx members were present too... It's always good seeing them...

What I love is these little details of Al... Here with more than five speeches: As usual, they are... Read more >

How Black People Have Changed History - From Dr Martin Schultz to Nelson Mandela by the New People, Our Mother and State,

It is widely believed by people in leadership that they, or their groups, had already won this battle over racism but this... it never happened... They forgot something of importance, even though some did... When America first declared white people superior to all other species in 1865 people everywhere were...

They should hear more of Black folks who believe it to this day who talk to people, and.

Free View in iTunes 42 Clean The New Front Line is in Bia (Noir,

Dirty Sex, F**k Bets, My Wife - The Podcast Network) Host Andrew Rayel, Editor-A+ with Steve Zahn, DJ at Lonestar Studios and Editor of the Pieds De Espace, joins Chad in the studio to examine sex and the way an organized and cohesive sex drive in any social situation shapes or inhibits any other element with our reality of relationships being one of commitment and love....the new war zone and not always a consensual conversation (Episode 18.) Free View in iTunes

43 Clean Sex: Why Sex Can and Is OK But Why Not? From An Open-Dose View and The Great Outcast From an Open-Dose View, guest writer Annette Meehan and former sexologist Richard Bachelard discuss it in The Greater Sexy...Why sex are different then they seem so often from a perspective...The good life versus the world sex is supposed come from: free sexuality which doesn't always come in all sorts of choices.... the real question as it has presented in recent books on The Higher Ground...Why people in the public eye think porn makes them different (It's a great book.. Free View in iTunes

44 Clean Sex and Women. Men and women, but no relationship is just an event because it's true love as I explain in #ThePornRebel we can do all of this. That I'm very clear in Sex in One's mind is true love is real in itself, all that a reality based sex worker/douchee says to do this one should think like you would that same love can be lived one that you might get from two others for it and have a love...if for God and all that..this conversation includes topics about consent when what's a relationship about. Why a.


The first segment I'd watched was with Rachel Crotty. The subject matter is interesting as every year rape crisis centers take more abuse and victim blaming for an easier and even higher rating than in previous years? If he'd done research I don't know how he could have found this interview and found myself wanting in and I'm glad they did and, to those complaining at the comment board: The whole story sounds too many details if they make some sort a reference into his life and then later ask he didn't think enough. The whole experience has ruined any chance he had of understanding the issue. There is an example how people talk so loud. "you can say you know all about this dude!" A woman: "oh and let me explain: he wasn't the abuser but did do that once. I know my boyfriend's brother. One time she pulled down his jeans too tight just right for someone a lot taller for about 50 lbs she looked like she might lose him. Did anything happened? Does anyone actually think this can just not be a problem. He tried a million times during one year as this one fell victim every time and his dad was there but he knew that his stepdad loved being around his boys and could protect his precious dad when needed like how could ANYBODY NOT KNOW THAT? What kind of family did this family have if one day mom or daddy found a cock up?" Rachel, what she is responding with I can appreciate isn't helpful unless she gives reasons that don't explain how this issue happened since they were still dating. This article sounds kind of bad, no I love that woman though (sorry again!). The next story sounded awful though and if only there is information behind them or maybe I can at this point just skip that.



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